Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dain Bramage

Love the smell of varnish in the morning! And afternoon, and evening, and all night...

The floor has been sanded and coated- twice! No pictures yet since it's still drying, but I sure wish you could smell it... since that would mean it's at your house and I wouldn't smell it anymore. Wow- that stuff is ugly nasty and can't be good for a person. We had the crock-pot going yesterday and the house smelled like someone built an Italian restaurant on top of a toxic waste dump. So we ate out.

We actually had bedroom windows open last night (it got down to the 20's) to get rid of the smell, along with lots of scented candles and those odor-genie things. The multi-pronged approach seems to be helping, but I'll be glad when this part is over.

Wednesday is Backsplash Day! Huzzah!

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