Not with a bang, or even a whimper. No- it begins with the grinding sound of an electric screwdriver. Then the bang- when I pry off the Corian (tm) backsplash.
Cupboard doors are off, the dead microwave/range hood is gone (shorted out 2 months ago- didn't bother to fix it since it wasn't in the plan for the new kitchen), and Sherri and I spent much of Sunday sorting things into "store", "use" and "lose" piles.
Good news- the vinyl floor is only edge-glued! We won't have to scrape glue off ALL the plywood subfloor. Possible bad news- will may have to remove the plywood sub-floor to leave proper clearance under the doors for the new wood floor. What does it look like under that on the main subfloor- or is that it? Won't really know until the first cabinets come out (hopefully tomorrow night) so we can get a look at all the layers.
On the plus side- I finally got to justify that reciprocating saw! Picked it up tonight. Got a new, very destructive power tool; It's a good day.
You're doing this because a) you can't get into the kitchen from the garage when the dishwasher is open, b) you two like power tools, c) Sherri was home staring at the house A LOT when her leg was broken, d) you're good at this kind of stuff, and e) um, I tried really hard to think of another reason, but I got nothing. It's gonna look great!
You do realize that the cost of that reciprocating saw is hitting the project budget?
Your loving wife
Wait a sec- tools are an INVESTMENT! That's off-budget infrastructure! Really! Please?
OMG. You made the Internet happy with this blog.
Thank you.
Wow. Power Tools and destruction and sub-flooring. There is a short story in there somewhere about what gets unleashed by all this disruption in the universe.
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